Coser un sombrero[]
Sastre nivel 1 ---> 2 Ranuras[]
Sastre nivel 10 ---> 3 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Sombrero Campestre | 10 | 40 Pétalo de rosa demoníaca, 10 Baba de rosa demoníaca, 1 Hierba loca (objeto) | +1 criaturas invocables | Pieza del Set Campestre |
Moskitogarruleto | 15 | 35 Ceja de moskito, 30 Polvos mágicos, 15 Ala de moskito | + 1-10 Sabiduría, + 1-30 Suerte, - 11-20 Fuerza, + 11-20 Inteligencia | Pieza del Set Moskito |
Korko Klako | 17 | 10 Hilo de lino, 1 Lana de jefe de guerra jalató, 1 Saco de patatas claro | ??? | - |
Bob del Campesino | 19 | 35 Centeno, 15 Semilla de adormidera, 2 Baba de rosa demoníaca | + 6-10 Sabiduría | Pieza del Set del Campesino |
Casco | 10 | 10 Cuero de jalatín negro, 10 Hilo de lino, 5 Lana de jalató | + 11-15 Vitalidad, + 1-5 Sabiduría | Receta oculta |
Ushanka Guau | 11 | 10 Lana de jalatín negro, 6 Pelos de jabalí, 4 Lanas de jalato | +6 a 11 vitalidad, +11 a 15 iniciativa | Receta secreta de Mini Wakfu |
tambien puedes hacer Ushanka Guau. que es 10 de lana de jalatin negro, 6 de pelos de jabali y 4 de lana de jalato. da: +6 a 10 en vitalidad. +11 a 15 en iniciativa. es una reseta secreta glue 70 osa tinieblas :D
Sastre nivel 20 ---> 4 Ranuras[]
Sastre nivel 40 ---> 5 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Kritter (30) | 1 Hueso Invisible del Chafer Invisible, 1 Hueso Sorpresa del Chafer Infante, 1 Fémur del Chafer Arquero, 1 Hueso de chafer, 1 Dientes de Jefe Cocodrail | |||
Toady (30) | 110 Seta, 110 Espina de champi champ, 10 Champiñón Luidchi, 1 Capa del Champi Champ, 1 Champisombrero | |||
Mazorrasombrero (31) | 35 Pétalo de Kosakepega, 35 Hoja de Mazorral, 12 Capullo de mazorral, 5 Kola, 2 Piel de Kosakepega | |||
Gulliver (33) | 30 Oreja del Awelito Wabbit, 30 Oreja de puerkazo, 30 Oreja de cochinillo, 25 Orejas de colmillo blando, 25 Oreja de kanugro | |||
MinotauKorno (33) | 2 Cuerno quemado del minotauro, 1 Pelos de Jabalí, 1 Pelos de minotauro, 1 Hilo de lino, 1 Pelos de ratón | |||
Larvasombrero (34) | 40 Pólvora Mágica, 18 Piel de larva naranja, 14 Piel de larva azul, 11 Piel de Larva Verde, 1 Pequeña perla dorada | |||
Sombrero de Selección de Hoguarts (33) | 10 Lana de Jalatín Negro, 10 Lana de Jalató, 10 Lana de jalatín blanco, 10 Hilo de lino, 1 Pelos de Darit | |||
Shako (34) | 10 Hueso de chafer, 5 Hueso Invisible del Chafer Invisible, 4 Hueso de cocodrail, 1 Hueso Sorpresa del Chafer Infante, 1 Fragemento de hueso | |||
El Oso (35) | 5 Pelo de kanugro, 5 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 4 Mortaja, 1 Hilo de seda, 1 Oso despedazado | |||
Dantgul (36) | 10 Hilo de lino, 5 Calzoncillo de cuero del chafer lancero, 1 Cuero de jabalí, 1 Cuero del jefe de guerra jalató, 1 Pócima Dantegulesca | |||
Dora (36) | 10 Hilo de lino, 2 Madera de castaño, 2 Madera de carpe, 1 Mimbre hechizado, 1 Lana de jalató real | |||
Sombrero del prespic (36) | 25 Pata de prespic, 11 Cola de prespic, 3 crines de prespic, 1 Tejido de Prespic, 1 Estómago de prespic | |||
Dora oscura de Bravo (37) | 20 Corteza de abraknido oscuro, 20 Hilo de lino, 5 Mortaja, 1 Tejido oscuro, 1 Mimbre oscuro | |||
Lorko Kasko (37) | 2 Hilo de lino, 2 Raíz de Abráknido Oscuro, 2 Corteza de Abráknido, 2 Corteza de Abráknido Oscuro, 1 Corteza de Liroy Merlin | |||
Dragosombrero blanco (39) | 10 Cáscara de dragohuevo blanco, 10 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 5 Piel de culebrón, 5 Huevo de dragohuevo blanco, 1 Cuero de jabalí de las llanuras | |||
Sombrervido (40) | 16 Punta de Flecha del bwork arquero, 10 Bulbo de mohito, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Mohito, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Gorra Bano (40) | 12 Lodo del Dolo, 10 Bulbo de Malibut, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Malibut, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Capucha apino (40) | 14 Colmillo del Milubo, 10 Bulbo de Passaoh, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Passaoh, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Casco Moasdicho (40) | 2 Bigote de Mufafah, 10 Bulbo de Kuraçao, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Kuraçao, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Multricornio (40) | 12 Diente del tofu maléfico, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 10 Bulbo de mohito, 2 Pétalo Mohito, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Gorro del Maestro Piezo (40) | 10 Pañuelo del Black Pekewabbit, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Kuraçao, 2 Bulbo de Kuraçao, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Diapa Sombrero (40) | 20 Uña de Kanugro, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 10 Bulbo de Passaoh, 2 Pétalo Passaoh, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Casco Locado (40) | 20 Pelo de Kanugro, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 10 Bulbo de Kuraçao, 2 Pétalo Kuraçao, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Sombrerillo del Lazarillo (40) | 4 Ojo de kwoan, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 10 Bulbo de mohito, 2 Pétalo Mohito, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Gorro del príncipe Robin (40) | 10 Pañuelo del Black Pekewabbit, 10 Bulbo de Malibut, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Malibut, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Alfue Gorro (40) | 2 Lengua de jefe de guerra jalató, 10 Bulbo de Passaoh, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Passaoh, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Sombrero del Tahúr (40) | 10 Oreja de kanugro, 10 Bulbo de Malibut, 10 Pinza de Crustoral, 2 Pétalo Malibut, 1 Tejido Coralino | |||
Vegasombrero (40) | 25 Flor de Lino, 15 Trébol de 5 hojas, 15 Orquídea Freyesca, 2 Edelweiss, 1 Sombrero Campestre | |||
Kwakosombrero de Tierra (41) | 50 Pluma del Kwak de Tierra, 6 Pelos de Wabbit Wodo, 4 Pelos de awelito Wabbit, 2 Pelo de jabalí de las llanuras, 1 Tejido de Prespic | |||
Kwakosombrero de Fuego (41) | 50 Pluma del Kwak de Fuego, 6 Pelos de Wabbit Wodo, 4 Pelos de awelito Wabbit, 2 Pelo de jabalí de las llanuras, 1 Tejido de Prespic | |||
Kwakosombrero de Hielo (41) | 50 Pluma del Kwak de Hielo, 6 Pelos de Wabbit Wodo, 4 Pelos de awelito Wabbit, 2 Pelo de jabalí de las llanuras, 1 Tejido de Prespic | |||
Kwakosombrero del Viento (41) | 50 Pluma del Kwak de Viento, 6 Pelos de Wabbit Wodo, 4 Pelos de awelito Wabbit, 2 Pelo de jabalí de las llanuras, 1 Tejido de Prespic | |||
Sombrero Akwadala (43) | 50 Artefacto Pandawushu agua, 4 Piel de Kitsu Nakwa, 3 Pelos de Kitsu Nakwa, 1 Pelos de Pandikaze, 1 Pelos de Pandulo | |||
Champo (43) | 50 Espina de champi champ, 50 Seta, 20 Hoja de Girasol Salvaje, 1 Cáñamo Eufórico, 1 Champiñón Luidchi | |||
Escarasombrero azul (44) | 40 Antena del escarahoja azul, 12 Fruta de palma, 10 Ala de escarahoja azul, 5 Caparazón de escarahoja azul, 1 Aceite de palma | |||
Escarasombrero verde (44) | 40 Antena del escarahoja verde, 12 Fruta de palma, 10 Ala de escarahoja verde, 5 Caparazón de escarahoja verde, 1 Aceite de palma | |||
Escarasombrero rojo (44) | 40 Antena del escarahoja rojo, 12 Fruta de palma, 10 Ala de escarahoja rojo, 5 Caparazón de escarahoja rojo, 1 Aceite de palma | |||
Escarasombrero blanco (44) | 40 Antena del escarahoja blanco, 12 Fruta de palma, 10 Ala de escarahoja blanco, 5 Caparazón de escarahoja blanco, 1 Aceite de palma | |||
Casco del crujidor (44) | 20 Diente de oro del crujidor, 16 Silex, 12 Carbón, 6 Piedra del crujidor, 2 Corazón del crujidor | |||
Cuerbosombrero (45) | 45 Pata de cuerbok, 40 Pluma de cuerbok, 1 Corazón de Brandon, 1 Tinte mágico oscuro, 1 Ojo de cuerbok | |||
Abracaska (45) | 60 Brote de abráknido, 40 Raiz de abráknido, 20 Corteza de abráknido, 15Ámbar, 3 Madera de tronkónido | |||
Guayaba (46) | 20 Brotes de bulbambú, 20 Hoja de bulbomatorral, 20 Flor de bulbiflor, 5 [[
Piel de coolebra]], 3 Pelos de Pandikaze | |||
Máscara Traumatizante (47) | 10 Nuez de kokoko, 10 Pelos de ratón, 10 Hilo de lino, 10 Pelos de Jabalí, 1 Nuez de kokoko traumatizada | |||
Témelo (48) | 20 Vendas, 2 Kobalita, 2 Kriptonita, 2 Cuerno del jefe de guerra jalató, 1 Cadena de Uginak | |||
Sombrero del jalatranki (47) | 30 Lana de Jalató, 30 Cuero de jalató, 3 Lana del jalatranki, 2 Cuero del jalatranki, 1 Sombrero del jalató | |||
6 casillas | ||||
Chafer Helmet (50) | 20 Lousy Pig Leather, 20 Piglet leather, 3 Kriptonit, 2 Kobalit, 1 Chafer broken helmet, 1 Lousy Pig Hairdo | |||
Dark Makroute (50) | 4 Shroud, 1 Tejido de Prespic, 1 Wabbit fabric, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Mutilated Makroute, 1 Silk String | |||
Royal Gobball Headgear (50) | 400 Lana de Jalató, 300 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 200 Gobball War Chief wool, 1 King Gobball wool, 1 Gobball Headgear, 1 Gobball War Chief brain | |||
Turkohat (50) | 50 Dragoturkey Peak, 25 Dragoturkey tooth, 15 Dragoturkey wing, 11 Wild Ginger Dragoturkey wing, 3 Wild Ginger Dragoturkey Tail, 2 Dragoturkey tail | |||
Black Scara Helmet (53) | 1 White Scara Helmet, 1 Red Scara Helmet, 1 Black Scaraleaf Antennas, 1 Black Scaraleaf Wings, 1 Blue Scara Helmet, 1 Green Scara Helmet | |||
Kannipiwi (55) | 15 Pluma de Pío Rosa, 15 Pluma de Pío Violeta, 15 Pluma de Pío Amarillo, 15 Pluma de Pío Verde, 15 Pluma de Pío Azul, 1 Kanniball mask | |||
Golden Dreggheadgear (57) | 20 Gold, 15 Golden Dreggon shell, 10 Plisskenskin, 7 Golden Dreggon egg, 3 Kobalit, 1 Plain Boar Leather | |||
Golden Scara Helmet (53) | 1 White Scara Helmet, 1 Red Scara Helmet, 1 Black Scara Helmet, 1 Golden Scarabugly Antennas, 1 Blue Scara Helmet, 1 Green Scara Helmet | |||
Caracap (60) | 200 Kokostraw, 150 Empty Blue Shell, 150 Empty Yellow Shell, 150 Empty Green Shell, 150 Empty Red Shell, 20 Greedovore pot | |||
Jelleadgear (60) | 20 Strawberry Jelly, 20 Mint Jelly, 20 Blujely, 20 Greenjely, 10 Water, 10 Bluish Jelly | |||
Koalak Headgear (60) | 7 Dok Alako Fabric, 6 Pippin Koalak Hairs, 5 Koko Koalak Hairs, 4 Indigo Koalak Hairs, 3 Cherry Koalak Hairs, 1 Koalak Forester Hairs | |||
Wabbits ears (60) | 36 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 21 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 19 Wabbit's Paw, 18 Oreja del Awelito Wabbit, 16 Tiwabbit ears, 10 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs | |||
Boowolf Headgear (61) | 30 Boowolf Claw, 30 Boowolf canine, 20 Miliboowolf Eye, 10 Boowolf Eye, 2 Boowolf Scalp, 1 Boowolf Mojo | |||
Kitsou Cap (61) | 1 Kitsou Nae skin, 1 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 1 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nere | |||
Aerdala Hat (64) | 50 Air Pandawushu Artefact, 20 Plisskenskin, 12 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 8 Kitsou Nae skin, 1 Aquamarine | |||
Chief Crocodyl Headgear (70) | 25 Crocodyl Scale, 25 Chief Crocodyl's Scale, 4 Crocodyl bone, 1 Crocodyl Skin, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skull, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skin | |||
Sapphire Dreggheadgear (70) | 30 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 25 Sapphire Dreggon shell, 18 Sapphire Dragon egg, 10 Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Crystal, 2 Sapphire | |||
Flying Dreggon Headgear (72) | 10 Wabbit fabric, 10 Tamed Crow Feather, 1 Golden Dragoss Shell, 1 Golden Dreggheadgear, 1 White Dreggheadgear, 1 White Dragoss Shell | |||
Korko Kousto (73) | 50 Hoja de Mazorral, 30 Kokoko leaf, 20 Greedovore flower, 10 Piel de Kosakepega, 1 Dead Glukoko, 1 Jouik Krampe | |||
Terrdala Hat (75) | 50 Earth Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandula's Hairs, 8 Pandikaze hairs, 5 Kistsou Nere's skin, 4 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 1 Aquamarine | |||
Octovius (77) | 400 Gutted Kralove, 30 Kitsou Nae skin, 20 Kaniger Skin, 19 Pandikaze skin, 15 Gras Snake skin, 12 Leopardo skin | |||
Brabrossa's Hat (79) | 29 Barbrossa's Shirt, 14 Mufafah Mustache, 7 Barbrossa's Ridiculous Beard, 2 Flib's Red Tuft, 2 Gourlo's Wrecked Shorts, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | |||
King Jellix's Crown (79) | 2 Royal Strawberry Jelly, 2 Royal Lemon Jelly, 10 Lemon Jelly, 1 Royal Bluish Jelly, 20 Strawberry Jelly, 2 Royal Mint Jelly (hidden recipe) | |||
7 casillas | ||||
Farle's Straw Hat (80) | 15 Kanigrou hair, 5 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 5 Tejido de Prespic, 4 Kanigrou fabric, 2 Storm Flax, 2 Resistant Rye, 2 Gold-Bearing Oats | |||
Shika's Hat (80) | 50 Kaliptus Flower, 12 Pippin Koalak Hairs, 12 Indigo Koalak Hairs, 4 Magic Oats, 3 Koalak Forester Hairs, 1 Gold-Bearing Oats, 1 Storm Flax | |||
Legendary Crackler Helmet (80) | 50 Flint, 16 Crackler's Stone, 8 Ruby, 5 Legendary Crackler Rock, 5 Pointed Stone fragment, 2 Agathe, 1 Crackler Helmet | |||
Lullibye (81) | 16 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 10 Ice Kwak Feather, 8 Leopardo Hairs, 8 Ouginak hair, 5 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 3 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Yokai Firefoux Fabric | |||
Black Dreggheadgear (93) | 40 Black Dreggon shell, 30 Gobball War Chief wool, 30 Plisskenskin, 30 Black Dreggon egg, 10 Kobalit, 3 Emerald, 3 Sapphire | |||
Dark Treeckler Mask (95) | 43 Dark Treeckler Seed, 16 Barbrossa's Shirt, 16 Polished Brain Fragment, 9 Dark Treeckler Achilles' Heel, 8 Moopet Stuffing, 3 Floramor Bark, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | |||
Dragostess Hat (95) | 100 Blop Petal, 100 Bamboo Leaf, 100 Wild Sunflower Petal, 1 Dragostess Horn, 1 Magic Famished Sunflower Petal, 1 Golden Dreggheadgear, 1 White Dreggheadgear | |||
Master Nabur Helmet (97) | 8 Brassic, 7 Pyrute*, 3 Pelos de Jabalí, 2 Moowolf Hairs, 30 Lousy Pig Leather, 30 Plisskenskin, 2 Horn of the Gobball War Chief (hidden recipe(?)) not in recipe list in v.1.20.0 | |||
Feudala Hat (98) | 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 12 Kitsou Nufeu skin, 5 Pandikaze skin, 5 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 4 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 1 Sapphire, 1 Pandikaze Fabric | |||
Dragon Pig Headgear (98) | 31 Fisheralak Bone, 25 Chafer Skull, 12 Koalak Mummy Ulna, 4 Mama Koalak Bone, 3 Wild Koalak Femur, 1 Dragon Pig skull, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skull | |||
Billalo (100) | 19 Polished Brain Fragment, 13 Kido Rear Feather, 12 Invisible Fabric, 4 Mane in Bloom, 3 Flib's Red Tuft, 2 Greater Bherb Eyebrow, 2 White Rat Fabric | |||
Kabuto (101) | 100 Treechnid bark, 40 Ambusher Bark, 21 Black Scaraleaf Antennas, 20 Dok Alako Fabric, 15 Kaliptus Wood, 8 Holy Bambooto Amber, 2 Pandulum Ghost Fabric | |||
Black Rat Mask (102) | 30 Grossewer Rat Hair, 20 Mouse Hairs, 20 Kolerat eye, 20 Mushd hand, 10 Treechnid Sap, 4 Black Rat Fabric, 2 Grossewer Shaman Hair | |||
Dark Miner hat (103) | 13 Scurvion Pincer, 8 Candle of the Dark Miner, 3 Brassic, 3 Pyrute*, 2 Furious Trool wool, 1 Dark Miner's Magic Candle, 1 Trool's Mane of Hair | |||
Ouassingue Hood (104) | 101 Ouassingue Fabric, 14 Ouassingue Juice, 7 Miremop Double Chin, 4 Dried Mopeat Peat, 3 Moopet Fabric, 1 Greater Bherb Eyebrow, 1 Mopy King Fabric | |||
White Rat Hat (105) | 25 Rat Fang, 20 Grossewer Rat Hair, 15 Kanigrou fabric, 12 Kanigrou hair, 2 White Rat Fabric, 1 Champo, 1 Grossewer Shaman Hair | |||
Gaddie's Lining (106) | 20 Mouse Hairs, 15 Leopardo Hairs, 15 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 9 Pandikaze hairs, 3 Pandula's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric | |||
Palishat (108) | 16 Miliboowolf Hairs, 15 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 4 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 3 Pandula's Hairs, 3 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Maho Firefoux Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric | |||
Bimd'Oule Hat (110) | 21 Crowfox Hair, 18 Dok Alako Fabric, 5 Brown Warko Beard Hairs, 2 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 2 Purple Warko Beard Hairs, 1 Bworkette Hair, 1 Shredded Drakoalak Headgear | |||
Krutch (111) | 26 Earth Kwak Feather, 18 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 8 Pandikaze hairs, 6 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Kanigrou fabric, 4 Soryo Firefoux Hairs, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric | |||
Mothat (113) | 500 Moskito Wings, 500 Moskito brow, 16 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 9 Tanukouï San Hairs, 4 Pandikaze Fabric, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora fabric | |||
Ancestral Treechelmet (114) | 120 Treechnid root, 20 Dark Treechnids Bud, 3 Ancestral Treechnid Root, 3 Ancestral Treechnid Bark, 2 Dark Treechnid Root, 1 Treechelmet, 1 Ancestral Amber | |||
8 casillas | ||||
Dora Bora (120) | 100 Kokoko leaf, 100 Greedovore flower, 100 Hoja de Mazorral, 80 Piel de Kosakepega, 80 Kokonut Slice, 10 Dead Glukoko, 5 Traumatized Kokonut, 4 Moon's hairs | |||
Koloss (120) | 16 Leopardo Hairs, 12 Pandikaze hairs, 11 Boowolf Hairs, 6 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 5 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 3 Yokai Firefoux Hairs, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric | |||
Kanistere (120) | 15 Ouginak hair, 15 Leopardo Hairs, 12 Fire Kwak Feather, 10 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 8 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 3 Kanigrou fabric, 1 Leopardo Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandulum Fabric | |||
Nee Cap (120) | 15 Fire Kwak Feather, 12 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 12 Leopardo Hairs, 8 Boowolf Hairs, 4 Tanukouï San Hairs, 4 Whitish Fang fabric, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric | |||
Solomonk (120) | 10 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 8 Tanukouï San Hairs, 6 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 2 Pandikaze Fabric, 2 Pandora's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric, 1 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric | |||
Himune (122) | 50 Leopardo Hairs, 34 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 32 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 20 Crow feather, 12 Boar Fabric, 9 Wabbit fabric, 8 Boowolf Hairs, 1 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Fabric | |||
Doro L. Blak | 19 Cheeken Cloaca, 8 Kurasso Coral, 7 Kurasso Petal, 5 Floramor Bark, 4 Mane in Bloom, 1 Moowolf Mojo, 1 Lacerated Tynril Skin, 1 Great Coral | |||
Kaliptus Headband (133) | 500 Kaliptus Leaf, 500 Kaliptus Flower, 100 Holy Bamboo Leaf, 100 Bamboo Leaf, 15 Golden Scarabugly Antennas, 3 Maho Firefoux Ghost Fabric, 2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Fabric, 2 Magic Famished Sunflower Petal | |||
Bronze Bwork Helmet (144) | 100 Horn of the Gobball War Chief, 10 Gobkool Horn, 7 Brassic, 3 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone, 3 Koalak Mummy Ulna, 1 Chief Bwork's Helmet, 1 Bone of the Pandora's Ghost, 1 Bwork Helmet | |||
Paperb' Hat (145) | 40 Pelos de Jabalí, 30 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 16 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 5 Pandikaze Fabric, 3 Boowolf fabric, 2 Maho Firefoux fabric, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora fabric | |||
Kracker Cap (149) | 20 Leopardo Hairs, 20 Invisible Fabric, 15 Plain Boar fabric, 9 Shroud, 4 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Royal Tofu feather, 1 Moon's hairs, 1 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric | |||
Sulik (172) | 10 Moon's hairs, 6 Pandora fabric, 4 Pandulum Fabric, 2 Maho Firefoux fabric, 2 Soryo Firefoux fabric, 2 Leopardo Ghost Fabric, 2 Yokai Firefoux Fabric, 1 Pandora Ghost Fabric | |||
Crocodyl Dandy Hat (180) | 120 Crocodyl Teeth, 43 Kido Rear Feather, 29 Moopet Stuffing, 18 Chief Crocodyl's Scale, 6 Flib's Red Tuft, 6 Cheeken Plait, 1 Feathered Tail of the Greater Bherb, 1 Kimbo's Precious Stone |
Coser una capa[]
Sastre nivel 1 ---> 2 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Capa del Aventurero | 1 | 1 Capa Azulada, 1 Pequeña Capa Oscura | + 1-2 en Sabiduría - Fuerza - Inteligencia - Suerte - Agilidad | Pieza del Set del Joven Aventurero |
Capa del pío amarillo | 1 | 1 Pluma de pío amarillo, 1 Semillas de sésamo | +1 Fuerza | Pieza del Set del Pío Amarillo |
Capa del pío azul | 1 | 1 Pluma de pío azul, 1 Semillas de sésamo | +1 Suerte | Pieza del Set del Pío Azul |
Capa del pío rojo | 1 | 1 Pluma de pío rojo, 1 Semillas de sésamo | +1 Inteligencia | Pieza del Set del Pío Rojo |
Capa del pío rosa | 1 | 1 Pluma de pío rosa, 1 Semillas de sésamo | +1 Vitalidad | Pieza del Set del Pío Rosa |
Capa del pío verde | 1 | 1 Pluma de pío verde, 1 Semillas de sésamo | +1 Agilidad | Pieza del Set del Pío Verde |
Capa del pío violeta | 1 | 1 Pluma de pío violeta, 1 Semillas de sésamo | +1 Sabiduría | Pieza del Set del Pío Violeta |
Capa oscura pequeña | 8 | 5 Lana de jalatín negro, 1 Tinte mágico oscuro | + 2-3 Sabiduría |
Capa del Champi Champ | 9 | 8 Semilla de Adormidera, 5 Espina de champi champ | (+1~10 Wis, +2~3 CH, -1~30 Str, -1~30 Cha, +1~5% Res Water) | |
Capa Pandawushu | 10 | 2 Piel de Kitsu Nakwa, 2 Pelos de Kitsu Nakwa | (+6~15 Vit ) | |
Alas de Madera | 20 | 10 Hilo de lino, 4 Tabla de fresno | (+31-50 Pods, +52-100 Iniciativa) | (receta oculta) |
Sastre nivel 10 ---> 3 Ranuras[]
Sastre nivel 20 ---> 4 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Capa del Hombre Oso | 20 | 1 Pelos de wabbit, 1 Tejido de oso, 1 Pelos de jabalí, 1 Pelos de ratón | (+11~15 Vitality, +11~15 Agi) | - |
Capa de Bowis | 20 | 50 Piel de larva verde, 1 Tinte mágico verdoso, 10 Lana de jalató, 10 Lana de jalatín blanco | (+11~40 Cha) | - |
Capa Tulación | 21 | 2 Pluma de kwak de llamas, 10 Pelos de wabbit, 2 Pluma de kwak de tierra, 1 Pelos de barba del Awuelito Wabbit | (+21~35 Int) | - |
Capa Yespada | 22 | 8 Lana de jalató, 8 Lana de jalatín blanco, 1 Tinte mágico rojizo, 4 Pelos de jabalí | (2~4 Phy red) | - |
La Samulay | 22 | 10 Pelos de ratón, 1 Tinte mágico rojizo, 10 Lana de jalató, 10 Lana de jalatín blanco | (+1~2 Dam) | - |
La Jalatada | 23 | 2 Pluma de kwak de hielo, 10 Lana de jalatín blanco, 10 Lana de jalató, 1 Tinte mágico azulado | (6~15% Dam, +11~20 Life) | - |
Abrigo de duende | 25 | 1 Calzoncillo de Duendebre, 5 Copo de nieve, 1 Patrón de duende, 5 Pincho del prespic | ? | Pieza del Set del duendecillo |
Capa del tofu | 26 | 35 Pluma de tofu, 30 Huevo de tofu, 30 Pico del tofu (objeto), 1 Pluma de Batofu | (+1~3 Dam) | - |
Capa del vampiro | 29 | 1 Tinte mágico rojizo, 1 Lana de jalatín blanco, 10 Lana de jalató, 1 Sangre del Vampiro | (3~7 Mag red) | - |
Alas de madera mejoradas | 30 | 1 Tejido de Stropajo, 1 Alas de madera, 1 Ala del tufo de las llanuras, 1 Pelusilla del Kilibris | ? | - |
Capa de Buena Esperanza | 30 | 1 Pelos de Awuelito Wabbit, 2 Pluma de kwak de viento, 4 Pelos de minilubo, 1 Tinte mágico rojizo | (+11~30 Cha, +1~2 Dam) | - |
Capa del Justiciero | 30 | 100 Pelos de ratón, 4 Tejido de colmillo blando, 2 Lana del jefe de guerra del jalató, 25 Pelos de jabalí | (+21~30% Dam, +6~10 Vit) | - |
Capa del Pohoyo Titiritasado | 33 | 1 Pelos de Awuelito Wabbit, 1 Tejido del jabalí, 1 Pelos de mediulubo, 1 Pluma del último Pohoyo | (4~12 Phy red, 4~12 Mag red, -1 MP) | - |
Capa del tofu loco | 36 | 1 Tinte mágico oscuro, 100 Pluma de tofu, 1 Lana de jalatín negro, 1 Lana de jalató real | (+1 MP, +1~100 Agi, -100 Str, -100 Int, -100 Cha) | - |
Sastre nivel 40 ---> 5 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Capa Jalosa | (10) | 80 Lana de Jalató, 30 Lana de jalatín negro, 30 Lana de jalatín blanco, 10 Lana de jefe de guerra jalató, 1 Lengua de jefe de guerra jalató | +1~300 Init, +1~50 Life | Set de jalató |
Ambusherot | (33) | 30 Hoja de Mazorral, 20 Pétalo de Kosakepega, 8 Piel de Kosakepega, 5 Glu, 5 Kokoko leaf | +2~3 Dam, +1 Summon | |
Capa arroz | (33) | 20 Lana de Jalató, 20 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 5 Pelos de Jabalí, 5 Wabbit Hair, 1 Magic Greenish Dye | +1~2 Range | |
Mad Boowolf cloak | (33) | 10 Boowolf Hairs, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Boowolf canine, 1 Boowolf Tail, 1 Boowolf Claw | +21~60 Life, +6~15% Dam | |
Cape Hillary | (34) | 20 Lana de Jalató, 10 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 1 King Gobball wool | +31~100 Life | |
Maj'Hic Cloak | (34) | 20 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 20 Pluma de Tofu, 5 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 2 Miliboowolf Hairs, 1 Magic Bluish Dye | 3~7 Mag red, +6~10% Dam | |
Maimpa Cloak | (36) | 10 Orejas de colmillo blando, 8 Kolerat tail, 4 Wabbit Hair, 4 Ouginak hair, 1 Whitish Fang Tail | +151~200 Init, +16~30 Agi, +11~20 Vit | |
capa prespic | (37) | 15 Prespic paw, 3 Prespic tail, 1 Tejido de Prespic, 1 Prespic Stomach, 1 Prespic Peak | +1~30 Wis, +1~2 Dam | |
Akwadala Cloak | (41) | 50 Water Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Bulbiflor Flower, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 8 Bulbamboo shoot, 7 Bulbush leaf | +31~60 Vit, +11~20 Cha, +1 Range | |
Earth Kwape | (41) | 50 Earth Kwak Feather, 5 Pluma de Tofu, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Crow feather | +11~15 Str, +1 Sum, +21~30 Init, +3~5% Res earth | |
Fire Kwape | (41) | 50 Fire Kwak Feather, 5 Pluma de Tofu, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Crow feather, 1 Wabbit Hair | +11~15 Int, +1 Sum, +21~30 Init, +3~5% Res fire | |
Ice Kwape | (41) | 50 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Pluma de Tofu, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Crow feather, 1 Wabbit Hair | +11~15 Cha, +1 Sum, +21~30 Init, +3~5% Res water | |
Mushd cloak | (41) | 50 Mushd mud, 10 Mushd hand, 5 Flax Fibre, 1 Hemp Fibre, 1 Mushd Heart of Mud | -1 AP, +6~20 Mag Red | |
Wind Kwape | (41) | 50 Wind Kwak Feather, 5 Pluma de Tofu, 2 Evil Tofu Feather, 1 Wabbit Hair, 1 Crow feather | +11~15 Agi, +1 Sum, +21~30 Init, +3~5% Res air | |
Carpet Cape | (43) | 6 Miliboowolf Hairs, 4 Earth Kwak Feather, 3 Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 1 Wabbit Grandpa hairs | +3~7 Dam | |
Cape Huccino | (44) | 10 Magic Dark Dye, 3 Gobball War Chief Tail, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 3 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 2 Pandikaze hairs | +21~35 Vit, +21~35 Int, +2~3 Dam | |
Salt 'n' Battery Cape | (44) | 4 Magic Bluish Dye, 4 Ice Kwak Feather, 1 Boowolf Tail, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Silkworm cocoon | +11~20 Cha, +1 MP | |
Crowcape | (45) | 100 Crow foot, 100 Crow feather, 2 Magic Dark Dye, 15 Crow's Eye, 1 Crows cloak | +6~20 Wis, +1~7% Res air, +21~35 Agi, +1~2 Dam | |
Crows cloak | (45) | 100 Crow foot, 100 Crow feather, 1 Magic Dark Dye, 1 Magus Bwork scalp, 1 Dead Crow | +6~20 Wis, +6~10% Res air, +1 Sum | |
Blue Scaracloak | (45) | 30 Blue Scaraleaf Antennas, 10 Palm Fruits, 6 Blue Scaraleaf Wing, 4 Blue Scara Shell, 1 Palm Oil | +1~10 Cha, +1~30 Vit, +1~3 Dam, +1~5% Res water | |
Green Scaracape | (45) | 30 Green Scaraleaf Antennas, 10 Palm Fruits, 6 Green Scaraleaf Wing, 4 Green Scara Shell, 1 Palm Oil | +1~10 Str, +1~30 Vit, +1~3 Dam, 1~5% Res earth | |
Red Scaracloak | (45) | 30 Red Scaraleaf Antennas, 10 Palm Fruits, 6 Red Scaraleaf Wing, 4 Red Scaraleaf Shell, 1 Palm Oil | +1~10 Int, +1~30 Vit, +1~3 Dam, 1~5% Res fire | |
White Scaracloak | (45) | 30 White Scaraleaf Antennas, 10 Palm Fruits, 6 White Scaraleaf Wing, 4 White Scara Shell, 1 Palm Oil | +1~10 Agi, +1~30 Vit, +1~3 Dam, 1~5% Res air | |
Treecapa | (45) | 30 Treechnid bud, 30 Treechnid root, 30 Treechnid bark, 5 Amber, 3 Treechnid Sap | +1~50 Life, +1~30 Str, +1 Sum, +1~3 Dam | |
Hallelujah Cloak | (46) | 10 Gobball Blood, 10 Eniripsa's Powder, 6 Magic Redness Dye, 6 Magic Greenish Dye, 2 Pandula's Hairs | +11~15 Vit, +3~7 Heal | |
Cracklycloak | (46) | 20 Crackler Golden Tooth, 17 Flint, 16 Coal, 5 Crackler's Stone, 1 Diamond Stone | +1~30 Str, +1~10 Wis, +1~6 Mag red, +1~5% Res fire | |
Rags | (53) | 10 Flax Fibre, 4 Magic Dark Dye, 3 Magic Bluish Dye, 2 Purple Fabric, 1 Resistant String | +3~10 CH, +3~5 Dam, +51~100 Init | |
Vegicape | (58) | 25 Trébol de 5 hojas, 10 Wild Mint Leaf, 10 Evil Dandelion Stem, 2 Evil Dandelion Tongue, 1 Purple Cloak | +1~7 Dam, +1~30% Dam | |
6 casillas | ||||
Kwag'U Cape | (50) | 10 Red Scaraleaf Wing, 10 Whitish Fang Fur, 1 Magic Redness Dye, 1 Bwork Archer Scalp, 1 Blood Tissue, 1 Miliboowolf Scalp | +21~40 Vit, +3~5 % Res fire, +3~5 Mag red | |
Ouginak Cloak | (50) | 30 Ouginak hair, 30 Ouginak Chops, 5 Bandages, 1 Gobball War Chief Tail, 1 Dark Tissue, 1 Whitish Fang fabric | +6~35% Dam, +16~25 Wis, +21~40 Vit | |
Royal Gobbling Cape | (50) | 500 Lana de Jalató, 300 Lana de Jalatin Blanco, 300 Lana de Jalatin Negro, 200 Gobball War Chief wool, 1 Gobbling Cape, 1 King Gobball wool | +11~60 Str, +4~8% Res earth | |
Turkocape | (50) | 20 Dragoturkey Peak, 3 Wild Ginger Dragoturkey wing, 2 Wild Ginger Dragoturkey Peak, 2 Dragoturkey wing, 1 Dragoturkey tail, 1 Wild Ginger Dragoturkey Tail | +1 MP | |
Black Scaracape | (53) | 1 Blue Scaracloak, 1 White Scaracloak, 1 Red Scaracloak, 1 Green Scaracape, 1 Black Scaraleaf Wings, 1 Black Scaraleaf Carapace | +6~45 Vit, +1~4 Dam, +6~20% Dmg to traps, 1~5% Res neutral | |
Jules Yanos's Cloak | (54) | 4 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 1 Boowolf fabric, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Gobball War Chief wool, 1 Furious Trool wool, 1 King Gobball wool | +1 Range, +1 MP, +1 Sum, 3~6 Phy red, -1~30 Wis | |
Gobkool Cape | (55) | 30 Gobball leather, 30 Lana de Jalató, 5 Dok Alako Fabric, 2 GobKool Wool, 1 Gobbling Cape, 1 Gobkool Leather | +31~50 Vit, +3~4 Heals, +201~300 Init | |
Hooded Cloak | (58) | 10 Great Ring of Wisdom, 10 Magic Orange Dye, 8 Boowolf Hairs, 2 Salt Measure, 1 Darit Hair, 1 Silkworm cocoon | +26~40 Vit, +11~15 Wis, +21~30 Int, +3~5 Heals | |
Golden Scaracape | (58) | 1 Black Scaracape, 1 Red Scaracloak, 1 Golden Scarabugly Wings, 1 Blue Scaracloak, 1 Green Scaracape, 1 White Scaracloak | +6~55 Vit, +6~20 Wis, +1~4 Dam, +1 Range, +1~200 Init | |
Caracape | (60) | 150 Empty Blue Shell, 150 Empty Yellow Shell, 150 Empty Red Shell, 150 Empty Green Shell, 150 Kokostraw, 1 Kokomilk | +1~5 CH, +1~5 PP, +1~30 Cha, +6~30 Wis | |
Jellicape | (60) | 50 Water, 30 Strawberry Jelly, 20 Bluish Jelly, 15 Mint Jelly, 10 Blujely, 1 Lemon Jelly | +6~20 PP, +1~2 Range | |
Flowing Cloak | (61) | 10 Blue Scaraleaf Wing, 10 Blue Scara Shell, 5 Hilo de lino, 5 Ice Kwak Feather, 5 Wind Kwak Feather, 1 Magic Bluish Dye | +21~30 Vit, +6~10% Res water, +6~10% Res neutral, -3~5 PP | |
Koalak Cloak | (61) | 4 Pippin Koalak Hairs, 3 Dok Alako Fabric, 3 Indigo Koalak Hairs, 2 Koko Koalak Hairs, 2 Cherry Koalak Hairs, 2 Immature Koalak Skin | +31~50 Vit, +7~10 Res water, +7~10 Res fire, +7~10 Res earth | |
Moopet Cape | (61) | 15 Blop pollen, 8 Ouassingue Fabric, 6 Sparo's Scarf, 3 Mojeeto Coral, 2 Mojeeto Petal, 1 Coralator Fabric | +10~40 Vit, +10~30 Agi, +10~30 Cha, +1~3 Heals, +1~2 Dam, +1~3 Res Earth, +1~3 Res Neutral | |
Kitsou's Wrap | (62) | 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Kitsou Nae skin, 1 Kitsou Nere's skin, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 1 Kitsou Nakwa's skin, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nere | +21~100 Vit, +4~5% Res air, +4~5% Res fire | |
Hairy Cloak | (63) | 12 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 12 Wabbit Hair, 8 Plains Boar's Hair, 8 Kanigrou hair, 4 Ouginak hair, 2 Boowolf Hairs | +1~2 Range, +11~20 Wis, +31~50 Vit, +3%~5% Res earth | |
Terrdala Cloak | (63) | 50 Earth Pandawushu Artefact, 15 Bulbush leaf, 8 Pandula's Hairs, 5 Pelos de Jabalí, 5 Pandikaze hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric | +16~25 Str, +31~50 Vit, +6~10 Dmg to traps, +151~200 Init, +6~7 Res water, +6~7 Res earth | |
Boowolf Cloak | (64) | 10 Miliboowolf Eye, 5 Boowolf Hairs, 5 Miliboowolf Hairs, 1 Boowolf Tail, 1 Boowolf Scalp, 1 Boowolf Mojo | +1~50 Vit, +1~20 Wis, +1~8 Heals, +1 Range, +1~5 PP | |
Aerdala Cloak | (65) | 50 Air Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandulum Hairs, 5 Pandikaze hairs, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze Fabric, 1 Hairs of Kitsou Nere | +11~20 Agi, +21~40 Vit, +3~4 Dmg to traps, +6~10 PP, +6~8 Res fire, +6~8 Res water | |
Desire O' Ball Cloak | (67) | 20 Pluma de Pío Verde, 20 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 20 Pluma de Pío Rosa, 20 Plains Boar's Hair, 20 Pluma de Pío Violeta, 20 Pluma de Pío Rojo (hidden recipe) | +40~60 Vit, +16~30 Wis, +3~4 CH, +3~5 Dam | |
Horn Cape (?) | ? | |||
7 casillas | ||||
Elya Wood's Cloak | (80) | 10 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 10 Miliboowolf Hairs, 10 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 2 King Gobball wool, 1 Minotoror hairs, 1 Moowolf Hairs, 1 Moowolf fabric | +21~35 Int, +6~8 Dam, +1~2 Range, 6~15 Mag red | |
Farle's Cloak | (80) | 30 Gobball War Chief wool, 18 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 9 Whitish Fang fabric, 8 Flax Fibre, 8 Hemp Fibre, 8 Kanigrou fabric, 4 Tejido de Prespic | +26~35 Vit, +16~20 Wis, +26~35 Agi, +1 Summon, +201~250 Pods, 2~3 Mag red, 2~3 Phy red, 4~5 % Res air, 4~5 % Res water | |
Shika's Cape | (80) | 50 Kanigrou hair, 8 Hemp Fibre, 8 Flax Fibre, 6 Cherry Koalak Hairs, 6 Indigo Koalak Hairs, 5 Dok Alako Fabric, 5 Kanigrou fabric | +26-35 Vit, +16-20 Wis, +26-35 Cha, +1 Summon, +201~250 Pods, +2~3 Res air, +2~3 Res water, +2~3 Res fire, +2~3 Res neutral, +2~3 Res earth, +4~5% Res fire, +4~5% Res earth | |
Cap Cape | (80) | 71 Kanigrou nail, 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Xelor Class Cape | |
Cape Adossia | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 11 Ouginak eye, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Feca Class Cape | |
Cape Anama | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 6 Kolerat eye, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Osamodas Class Cape | |
Cape Hernaum | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 5 Crab Tongue, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Enutrof Class Cape | |
Cape Hulco | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 6 Crab eye, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Cra Class Cape | |
Cape Otbellied | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 16 Scurvion Tail, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Sadida Class Cape | |
Cape Sulitis | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 2 Plain Boar tail, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Eniripsa Class Cape | |
Cape Wuera | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 7 Kolerat nose, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Pandawa Class Cape | |
Cape Ytal | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 15 Major Arachnee leg, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Sacrier Class Cape | |
Cash'n Cape | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 65 Kanigrou hair, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Ecaflip Class Cape | |
Cloak Orporal | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 65 Oreja de kanugro, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Iop Class Cape | |
F-Ha(r)t | (80) | 20 Ouassingue Fabric, 10 Kido Rear Feather, 10 Plain Pikoko Wing, 24 Black Tiwabbit headband, 4 Sparo's Scarf, 4 Barbrossa's Shirt, 1 Fabric of Gourlo the Terrible | Sram Class Cape | |
Legendary Cracklerocape | (84) | 30 Crackler's Stone, 10 Polished Stone fragment, 10 Ruby, 3 Legendary Crackler Rock, 3 Pointed Stone fragment, 2 Agathe, 1 Cracklycloak | +51~70 Vit, +16~25 Wis, +26~40 Agi, +3~4 CH, +4~5 PP, +5~6 Res fire, +5~6 Res air | |
Grazor | (88) | 20 Evil Dandelion Stem, 20 Edelweiss, 20 Piel de Larva Verde, 10 Magic Greenish Dye, 10 Blop Petal, 2 Greedovore flower, 1 Euphoric Hemp | +31~50 Vit, +31~50 Str, +3~6 Dam, +2~3 Summons, +7~9% Res fire, +7~9% Res neutral | |
Feudala Cloak | (92) | 50 Fire Pandawushu Artefact, 10 Pandikaze hairs, 2 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nae, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 2 Hairs of Kitsou Nakwa, 1 Pandikaze Fabric | +26~45 Vit, +16~25 Wis, +3~4 CH, +4~5 Res water, +4~5 Res earth, +6~10% Res water, +6~10% Res earth | |
Ouassingue Cape | (97) | 82 Ouassingue Fabric, 12 Sparo's Scarf, 8 Moopet Fabric, 7 Ouassingue Juice, 6 Dried Mopeat Peat, 4 Miremop Double Chin, 1 Mad Boowolf cloak | +51~80 Vit, +21~30 Wis, +26~40 Int, +16~25 Agi, +6~10% Dam, +1 Summon, -101~200 Init, +11~15 PP, +6~10 Res neutral, +6~10 Res earth | |
White Rat Cape | (102) | 35 Kanigrou hair, 30 Ouginak hair, 20 Grossewer Rat Hair, 10 Plains Boar's Hair, 10 Invisible Fabric, 3 White Rat Fabric, 1 Rags | +26~40 Agi, +21~30 Str, +41~70 Vit, +11~20 Wis, +1 Range, +4~6 Res air, +4~6 Res neutral, 4~6% Res fire | |
Dragon Pig Cloak | (103) | 25 Wild Ginger Dragoturkey Tail, 18 Dorgan Ation Skin, 18 Blodz Uker Skin, 4 Bloody Koalak Tail, 1 Dragon Pig Hair, 1 Dragon Pig tail, 1 Dragon Pig horn | +26~40 Cha, +11~15 PP, +4~6 Dam, +81~110 Vit, +4~5 Res air, +4~6% Res air, +4~5 Res fire, +4~6% Res fire, +4~5 Res neutral, +4~5 Res earth, +4~5 Res water, +2~4 Crit fail | |
Cape Houte | (105) | 30 Pandikaze hairs, 20 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 12 Soryo Firefoux Hairs, 10 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 5 Pandikaze Fabric, 1 Maho Firefoux fabric, 1 Soryo Firefoux fabric | +71~100 Vit, +16~25 Wis, +26~40 Int, +6~10 Heals, +11~15 PP, +6~10 Res fire, +6~10 Res air | |
Black Rat Cape | (105) | 40 Grossewer Rat Hair, 35 Kanigrou hair, 30 Rat Fang, 15 Oreja de kanugro, 10 Spinal Cord, 3 Black Rat Fabric, 1 Grossewer Shaman Hair | +31~40 Agi, +41~70 Vit, +11~20 Wis, +4~5 Dam, +6~8 Dmg to traps, +11~20% Dmg to traps, +4~6% Res neutral | |
Minotoror Cloak | (109) | 40 Minokid Hair, 25 Minotoror hairs, 8 Crowfox Hair, 8 Deminoball Hair, 6 Minotoror wool, 2 Purple Warko Beard Hairs, 2 Brown Warko Beard Hairs | +121~170 Vit, +22~40 Wis, +3~4 Summons, +7~15 PP, +4~6 Heals, +6~10% Res neutral | |
Powerful Dazzling Cloak | (110) | 150 Zoth Fabric, 50 Ouassingue Fabric, 50 Kristalite, 10 Purple Fabric, 10 Invisible Fabric, 3 Mopy King Fabric, 1 Blood Tissue | +1 AP, +31~40 Wis, +31~40 Vit, +4~5 Dam | |
Ancestral Treecape | (114) | 150 Treechnid root, 45 Dark Bamboo Wood, 3 Ancestral Treechnid Bark, 2 Ancestral Treechnid Root, 1 Treecloak, 1 Ancestral Treechnid Bud, 1 Treecapa | +21~30 Str, +26~45 Cha, +51~100 Vit, +16~25 Wis, +4~5 Dam, +6~10% Dam, +101~200 Init, +6~10 PP, +6~10% Res air, +6~10% Res water | |
8 casillas | ||||
Caracape Minotoris | (121) | 10 Wind Kwak Feather, 10 Earth Kwak Feather, 10 Wabbit Grandpa hairs, 10 Plains Boar's Hair, 4 Minotoror hairs, 4 Minotoror tail, 1 Minotoror wool, 1 Minotoror leather | 6~10% Res air, 6~10% Res earth, 6~10% Res fire, 6~10% Res water, +16~20 Agi, +16~20% Dam, 11~15 Mag Red, 11~15 Phy Red | |
Nettlez | (125) | 12 Hairs of Kitsou Nere, 10 Kitsou Nufeu hairs, 6 Tejido de Prespic, 3 Yokai Firefoux Hairs, 2 Maho Firefoux Hairs, 1 Pandulum Ghost Fabric, 1 Pandora's Hairs, 1 Pandulum Fabric | +26~50 Int, +151~200 Vit, +21~35 Wis, -11~15 PP, +5#7 Dam, +6~10% Res fire, +6~10% Res air | |
Mastralis Croak | (127) | 80 Evil Tofu Feather, 80 Crow feather, 80 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 50 Miliboowolf Hairs, 20 Magic Dark Dye, 10 Lord Crow Feather, 10 Dark Tissue, 8 Dead Crow | +81~120 Vit, +46~60 Cha
+36~50 Wis, +6~10 PP, +2 Range, +6~10% Res neutral, +6~10% Res earth, +6~10% Res water | |
Moowolf Cape | (139) | 80 Koalak Forester Hairs, 12 Moowolf scalp, 2 Pandikaze Ghost Fabric, 2 Moowolf fabric, 2 Tanukouï San Ghost Fabric, 1 Moowolf Mojo, 1 Boowolf Cloak, 1 Mad Boowolf cloak | +31~50 Str, +11~15% Dam, +151~200 Vit, +21~30 Wis, +2~3 CH, +5~7 Dam, +11~20 PP, +201~400 Init, +5~7% Res neutral, +6~10% Res fire | |
Cape Tenfuture | (148) | 25 Peki Hair, 10 Royal Tofu feather, 5 Koolich Braid, 5 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Fabric, 4 Pandora Ghost Fabric, 2 Moon Skin, 2 Wa Wabbit Fabric, 1 Magic Peki Tail | +16~30 Wis, +31~50 Agi, +11~15 % Dam, +11~15 % Dmg to traps, +2~3 CH, +151~200 Vit, +158~300 Init, +16~20 PP, +6~10 Res neutral, +6~10 Res fire, +6~10 % Res fire, +6~10 % Res air, -6~8% Water weakness |
Coser una mochila[]
Sastre nivel 1 ---> 2 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Pequeña mochila en lana de jalatín | 1 | 10 Lana de jalatín blanco, 10 Lana de jalatín negro | (+51~100 Pods) | |
Mochila del pequeño recolector | 5 | 20 Lana de jalatín blanco, 5 Pluma de tofu | (+151~250 Pods) |
Sastre nivel 10 ---> 3 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Mochila del Pequeño Aventurero | 10 | 18 Lana de jalatín blanco, 18 Lana de jalatín negro, 18 Pelos de jabalí | +151~200 Pods | - |
Mochila del recolector | 15 | 25 Lana de jalatín blanco, 25 Lana de jalatín negro, 10 Pelos de black pekewabbit | +251~400 Pods | - |
Mochila del Pequeño Moskito | 16 | 20 Polvos mágicos, 18 Ala de moskito, 15 Ceja de moskito | + 1-30 Suerte, + 1-100 Pods | - |
Bolso del Campesino | 19 | 20 Centeno, 10 Tallo de diente de león diabólico, 3 Baba de rosa demoníaca | + 6-10 Suerte, + 101-200 Pods | - |
Sastre nivel 20 ---> 4 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Larvabolso | 27 | 1 Pequeña perla dorada, 15 Piel de larva azul, 14 Piel de larva verde, 17 Piel de larva naranja | (+19~20 Vit, +1~2 Dam) | Pieza del Set Larvesco |
Mochila del Aventurero | 40 | 1 Pluma de kwak de tierra, 1 Pelos de jabalí, 1 Pelos de barba del Awuelito Wabbit, 1 Pluma de kwak de viento | (+251~300 Pods) | - |
Sastre nivel 40 ---> 5 Ranuras[]
Resultado | Nivel | Ingredientes | Efectos | Anotaciones |
Mochila del Gran Recolector (20) | 20 Lana de Jalató, 20 Pluma de Tofu, 2 Gobball War Chief wool, 2 Magus Bwork beard hairs, 2 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs | +601~800 Pods | ||
6 casillas | ||||
Mochila del Staca Novista (20) | 4 Fire Kwak Feather, 4 Wind Kwak Pointed Feather, 2 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs, 2 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 2 Miliboowolf Hairs, 1 Boowolf fabric | +1001~1500 Pods | ||
Pequeña mochila de escolar del jefe cocodrail (70) | 30 Crocodyl Scale, 30 Chief Crocodyl's Scale, 12 Ouginak hair, 12 Kanigrou hair, 1 Chief Crocodyl Skin, 1 Crocodyl Skin | +21~30 Vit, +16~20 Wis, +21~30 Agi, +1~2 CH, +301~350 Pods, +3~5% Res fire, +3~5% Res water | ||
Mochila del Gran Aventurero (60) | 27 Kanigrou hair, 21 Kanigrou nail, 12 Kaniger Skin, 11 Oreja de kanugro, 8 Crocodyl Scale, 4 Kanigrou fabric | +501~1000 Pods | ||
Bolso-Zanahowia (60) | 35 Wabbit Hair, 26 Black Tiwabbit headband, 12 Pelos de Black Pekewabbit, 10 Cawwot, 10 Wo Wabbit Hairs, 5 Wabbit Grandpa beard hairs | +501~1000 Pods, +3~5% Res water, +3~5% Res earth | ||
7 casillas | ||||
No hay recetas | ||||
8 casillas | ||||
No hay recetas |